Green Bags UAE is the largest manufacturer of eco-friendly bags in Dubai. We began selling eco-friendly bags before social media even existed, when environmental issues were not widely discussed, and Businesses either were not aware of eco-friendly bag alternatives or chose not to use them due to budget reasons, but now we have a variety of eco-friendly bags starting from 1 AED that can replace plastic bags without burning your pockets.

Over the last two years, raw material shortages brought on by the Covid pandemic, weather changes, and flooding have affected cotton production in India. As a result, cotton prices have increased. Our cotton is produced in India, the world’s largest cotton producer, which accounts for roughly half of all cotton produced worldwide.
Rising cotton prices increase operational costs for businesses like ours, and normally manufacturers raise the price of the goods produced to share the burden with consumers. In our case, even though cotton prices doubled within a year, we were able to keep the price of our cotton bags in check,
Our ethical and commercial motivations for the idea are to promote the use of eco-friendly alternatives as a cultural replacement for plastic bags. We believe that cotton bags can play a role in the rebuilding of the planet, A reusable bag can replace more than 500 single-use plastic bags in a year.
While individuals can contribute to the process, a significant difference requires businesses to replace their plastic bags. Businesses can make a significant impact when they utilize ecofriendly bags for marketing. Your company is effectively spreading your marketing message while reducing the need for and use of single-use plastic bags. This will speed up the entire process and outcomes; don’t be too concerned about the cost of converting to eco-friendly bags; it will eventually pay off, as cotton bags will collect thousands of impressions over their lifetime.
We work with firms who have switched from plastic to eco-friendly alternatives like jute bags, cotton, and canvas. Brands that choose to promote with reusable bags are already making an impact; a few thousand reusable bags can eventually replace millions of plastic bags.
Let’s work together to save the earth; even modest efforts can add up to large results. Create your first customized bags with us, establish your brand successfully, and show your clients what your company stands for.