Every time you go food shopping, you must pay 25 fils for each plastic bag you get. Maybe you are aware of it and continue to pay, or perhaps you are not yet aware of the tariffs. You may save yourself the 25 fils and do your part for the environment by using reusable bags, such as Jute bags, cotton bags, canvas bags, non woven bags when you shop. Shout out to everyone who uses eco-friendly bags when shopping for groceries.

You are paying 25 fils for each plastic bag.
In an effort to lessen plastic pollution in the United Arab Emirates, Dubai announced earlier this year that there would be a 25 fils tariff for each single-use plastic bag in Dubai. It is a broader initiative to reduce waste and protect the environment.
The council believes the 25 fils charge will motivate consumers to change their shopping habits. A recent survey by Dubai’s Executive Council revealed that 85 per cent of residents in the city support the charge. It is also believed that the charge will reduce the consumption of single-use plastic by 40%, which will positively impact the environment.
The council also urges the private sector to contribute towards a sustainable future by donating money to various initiatives.
The council has also approved a new community initiative to encourage residents to recycle plastic.
Supermarkets need to tell you this.
Although the initiative’s KPIs still need to be published, we strongly suspect that grocery stores are not warning their customers that buying plastic bags will waste their hard-earned money. The government didn’t implement the plastic bag tariff to make consumers pay 25 fils for each bag they buy, but rather to offer them other environmentally friendly shopping options.
Reusable shopping bags are a great way to cut waste, protect the environment and save money. We notice that small businesses run by young entrepreneurs use eco-friendly fabric for their giveaway bags because they care about the future and are smart entrepreneurs who take advantage of “Green branding” by using eco-friendly bags that, unlike plastic bags, have a minimum lifespan of three to five years.
It is painfully sad to see larger organizations and supermarkets are not working to reduce the consumption of plastic bags and encourage their use to make a profit. We sincerely hope things improve and those who are not using reusable bags for grocery shopping will change their minds, be more cautious about the environment, and bring their reusable bags if 25 fils is not too expensive.